January 31, 2011

Apple Cinnamon Rolls

This is the same idea found at The Baker's Daughter.  This time I followed her method; however, I still used my own biscuit recipe.  Finally a "faux" cinnamon roll recipe that is so healthy, fast and easy! 
After making the biscuit dough, knead and place on a baking sheet.  I used some flour to help me press out the dough into a rectangle.  Brush 2 Tablespoons of melted butter (there was a little leftover), sprinkle 3/4 cup of brown sugar, about 2 tsp of cinnamon and some pecans.  It's true, only put three apple slices on the dough's edge.  At first I put in all the slices of an apple, and the biscuit dough just couldn't hold it all.  Roll the dough and cut into 1-1/2 inch slices.  Place in a 8- or 10 inch greased springform pan, brush excess butter and brown sugar on top. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.  Here are the tasty results!

January 30, 2011

Steel Cut Oatmeal

This is how my family makes steel cut oatmeal, and how I will make it for my child(ren).  We started to make cinnamon apples after a visit from Uncle Von.  Since I was making oatmeal for one, I only used half an apple, some raisins, sprinkled cinnamon over them and microwaved them for a minute.

 The oatmeal is more time extensive.  My favorite brand is Bob's Red Mill.  For one serving, pour 1 cup of water in a small saucepan and add 1/3 cup steel cut oats when the water is at a rolling boil.  It will take a while for the oatmeal to thicken (15-20 minutes).
There is a healthy breakfast.  Then I had to add brown sugar!

January 25, 2011

Fruit Biscuit Braid

Inspired by The Baker's Daughter, I thought it would be fun to make something that I remember from my early childhood.  My mom used to make some kind of pie-filling-braid full of fruit.  According to The Baker's Daughter, you can use four cups of Bisquick with a cup of milk to make the biscuit.  I do not have that shortcut in my pantry, but I did find an easy recipe. 

First step:
Combine dry ingredients
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup wheat pastry flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 T baking powder

Mix wet ingredients
2-4 T oil
1 cup milk (1% or skim although I used whole)

Stir with a spoon and knead for 30 seconds.  Spray nonstick oil on a baking sheet.  Press out the biscuit dough, using your hands, into a rectangle. 
Pre heat the oven to 400 degrees.

Second step:
1 apple, chopped
1-2 T melted butter
at least 1/4 cup brown sugar
about 1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup pecans

Lightly cut two strips of the dough, leaving the center section the largest.  Brush butter on the entire dough surface.  Sprinkle brown sugar down the center strip.  Layer chopped apples on top of the brown sugar.  Dash cinnamon on the tops of the apple bits. Add more brown sugar.  Brush melted butter on the side strips of the dough.

Third step:
Now, the hard part: creating a braid.  It wasn't as easy as I had hoped.  I started from the bottom and worked my way up and it seemed to be easier the further up I criss-crossed.  Brush more melted butter on the top of the braid.  Sprinkle on pecans.

From far away, this braid looks pretty darn good!
Bake for 20-25 minutes.

The results:
The first slice I had was on the dry side.  In the future I shouldn't be afraid to add more butter and brown sugar.  The second slice, more in the center of the braid, was moister and sweeter.  All in all, it turned out well.  Some bites were sweeter than others but I enjoyed livening up the biscuit.

The first slice
*Next-day-after-thought: Maybe it would be easier to create a braid if you don't just cut the sides straight down, but cut diagonally from the center strip outward.  I'll have to try that next time.
The biscuit recipe is from this cookbook source: Merrill, Jane P. and Karen M. Sunderland.  Set for Life.  Salt Lake City, UT: Sunrise Publishers, 1998. 94.

January 24, 2011

Zucchini fries

When I saw these on Our Best Bites, I thought it would be the perfect use for the two zucchinis that were laying in my fridge.  They are time-consuming to make, and since I made my own bread crumbs, they clumped up considerably.  I honestly thought they would be a disaster, but they turned out delicious!  The recipe is very forgiving, so I might decide it do it differently next time, or even buy panko bread crumbs. They are a great alternative to baked french fries.

The linked site, above, shows the step by step process of making them.  I used two zucchinis, cutting them lengthwise.  Beat two eggs in a bowl, and in another bowl, about two cups bread crumbs, mixed with this garlic bread seasoning because I didn't have the suggested Italian panko bread crumbs.  I patted flour on the zucchini sticks, coated them in the beaten eggs, then rolled them around in the bread crumbs.  The process was pretty darn messy, the way I did it!

Also makes a tasty toddler treat!

January 19, 2011

Pumpkin Prune Bread

Extended Family Christmas Gifts-- 2009
In fall 2009, I created Pumpkin Prune BreadMostly I used pumpkin instead of oil and made changed to the spices.  It turned out well, and it was delicious enough to proclaim it a seasonal tradition and make them for Christmas gifts.  Yesterday I made it again, but made even more changes to the recipe.  Without further ado, here is 2010's Pumpkin Prune Bread recipe:

1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup pumpkin
3 eggs
1-1/2 cups all purpose flour
1-1/2 cups pastry wheat flour
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup buttermilk
(about) 2 cups chopped prunes

Mix together sugars, eggs, and pumpkin.  In another mixing bowl, combine flours, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, baking soda* and salt. Add the vanilla with the buttermilk^.  Alternately pour in a third of the flour mixture into the pumpkin mixture, then add a third buttermilk in the pumpkin mixture until all incorporated.  Stir in chopped prunes.  Pour the batter into two bread pans and bake at 350 degrees from 40 to 50 minutes. 

* The original recipe calls for 1 tsp. baking powder and 1/4 tsp. baking soda.  I read the recipe wrong while I quickly jot down notes (not the full instructions...), so I just added 1 tsp of baking soda.

^ I didn't have buttermilk in the house, so I made my own.  Simply measure 4-1/2 tsp of white vinegar in a measuring cup and add 1 cup milk.  Stir.  Let sit for 15 minutes.  You can use right away or store in the fridge until needed.  Courtesy of Mr. Lagasse of the Food Network Channel.

January 18, 2011

Pumpkin Roll

I'm on a pumpkin roll... that is baking with pumpkin.  Oh, how I crack myself up!  This is my favorite recipe.  I tried one last November that wasn't too impressive.  For method, you can see my post on making a Butternut Squash Roll.
Pumpkin Cake portion
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup pumpkin
1 tsp lemon juice
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

Frosting Filling portion
1 cup powder sugar
1 (8 oz) pkg [low fat] cream cheese
4 T. softened butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.  Beat eggs on high speed for 5 minutes until voluminous.  Gradually add sugar, then stir in pumpkin and lemon juice.  In another bowl, combine flour, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, baking powder and salt.  Fold the flour mixture into the pumpkin mixture with a rubber spatula.  Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, use the spatula to scrape out the batter onto the parchment paper and smooth over to make the batter even on all sides.  Bake for 15 minutes.  Clean counter space and lay out a dish towel, sprinkling with powder sugar.  Take the baking sheet out of the oven and transfer the pumpkin cake onto the dish towel.  Roll up the towel and cake, let cool.
To make the filling, combine the cream cheese, powder sugar, butter and vanilla.  Mix until smooth.
Unroll the towel and spread the pumpkin cake with the cream cheese frosting.  Roll up the cake: now it's officially a pumpkin roll!  You can either wrap it in plastic wrap and foil to freeze, or place it on a serving platter for a crowd, or in a 9x13 casserole dish (like I do) to store in the fridge while eating it at a slower pace.  Chill for at least two hours before cutting the first slice.

Source: My mom, source is a mystery

January 16, 2011

Spanish Rice Wraps

For a fast vegetarian meal, I experimented with what was in the pantry.  I made easy Spanish Rice (without any garlic or onions, be my guest if you have them!) with two cans diced tomatoes, cup of water, 3/4 cup white rice, and some spices.  I assembled a wrap/soft taco with some shredded cheese and black olives.  My sister suggested that it needs something crunchy-- lettuce?  The Spanish Rice was bland in taste, but with everything else in the combo, it wasn't too bad.  So all in all, it was a successful and quick vegetarian meal.

Combine two (14.5 oz) cans of diced tomatoes, 1 cup of water and 3/4 cup rice
For added flavor: black pepper, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and chili powder
Bring to a boil

Cover and simmer for at least 20 minutes (I learned the hard way to not increase the heat because it will just cause the rice to burn at the bottom, all was not ruined though!)

It should look kinda like this.  It was hard to take a picture because of all the steam!

Warm (wheat) tortillas, spoon rice in the center with cheese, black olives, sour cream, salsa, Tabasco, whatever!  Roll up and enjoy
Adapted from "Spanish Rice" in Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, 2002

January 11, 2011

Experiment: Oven Ready Lasagna

Passing by the pasta in the grocery store, I saw this package and thought it would be fun to try. 

Just being able to layer pasta with the other lasagna ingredients would save me from having to clean an extra pot, but I was uncertain if it would save time.  I did two things differently with this recipe, first is that I mixed an egg with cottage {or ricotta} cheese and second is that I used this oven ready pasta.  I also like to layer a vegetable and this time I used zucchini and yellow squash.

First layer of lasagna
The directions on the box do instruct to layer the lasagna so that they do not touch each other, as they will expand while cooking in the oven.  The directions also advised to bake in the oven for 30 minutes, covered, then 10 minutes longer uncovered.  I was worried that if the extended cooking time were true, that it wouldn't be worth it.  Luckily, my lasagna was well cooked after the 30 minutes and I had no complaints with the turn out!

It seems that the purchase was worth the extra money, in that it saved me from worrying about another step in the cooking and one less dish to wash after eating. 

*In tonight's sauce, I did not add a can of (or fresh) diced tomatoes and the quantity was perfect for two layers of noodles.  I also added garlic powder, but I used onion powder as I didn't saute fresh onions with the sausage.

January 6, 2011

Salmon Hash

Yesterday's lunch was inspired by Sunday's lunch in Salt Lake at The Copper Onion with Carlie.  I ordered "Trout Hash" and decided to do a similar version with salmon. 
For two people, cook three potatoes (I used red and the restaurant most likely used golden) in the microwave.  In the meantime, open one (6 oz) can of salmon, drain and put in a skillet to cook.  Add 2 tsp. of oil and lots of paprika and garlic powder.  Dice up the cooked potato and add into the skillet with the salmon.  Cover the potatoes in paprika and add black pepper.  In another frying pan, cook two eggs, over easy.  Dish the golden potatoes and salmon on a plate and slide the over-easy egg on top.  At the restaurant, my potatoes were coated red with paprika; the trout with a fillet, slightly broken up; on top were two eggs and lots of hollandaise sauce (on the side, per request).  In Becky's Kitchen, the presentation wasn't as fancy looking, but no doubt just as tasty!

Took the picture after have a few bites!  Really, it's good, trust me-- the picture doesn't give it justice.


January 5, 2011

Becky's Classic Crock Pot Chili

Double batch of chili!
Perfect comfort food.  Healthy.  A good toddler food.  Fast and easy, you just need at least three hours for the crockpot to do its thing.  I'm talking 'bout my own spin on veggie chili.  We love this chili!

Recipe to make a DOUBLE batch of crock pot chili:

2 cans of diced tomatoes
4 cans of beans, garbanzo; black; kidney (drained and rinsed)
1 can corn (drained)
1 cup (or more) frozen green beans
2 or 3 T chili powder
1 T Italian seasoning
2 tsp (to taste) garlic powder
2 tsp (to taste) onion powder
1 tsp sugar
others: black pepper, chopped onion, dried instant onions

Stir all contents together in a crock pot (slow cooker).  Place lid on and leave cooking on low for 5 hours or on high for about 3 hours.  After served in individual bowls, top with cheese, sour cream or anything hot and spicy!


January 4, 2011

Cheesy Corn Fritters

This is the first post of the new year, and also my first post of food targeted to toddlers.  I was skeptical of this recipe.  I didn't have whole milk or cheddar cheese, so lower-fat versions of 1% milk and mozzarella cheese had to do.  The batter was very runny (thin), and I knew they wouldn't turn out like the picture in the cookbook.  Anyhow, they did turn out-- mine turned out like pancakes for lunch.  They aren't very flavorful, but they were eaten-- kinda-- she liked the corn!

1 egg
generous 3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup canned corn kernels, without salt or sugar, drained
4 T grated cheddar cheese
1tsp snipped fresh chives
2 tsp sunflower oil, for pan-frying

Whisk together 1 egg and 3/4 cup milk
Stir in 3/4 cup flour and 1/2 tsp baking powder
Add in 1/3 cup drained corn, 4 T (1/4 cup) cheese, and chives
Drop by spoonfuls into heated skillet, cook for 1-2 minutes
 Flip over with a spatula and cook about a minute longer until done

Recipe Source: Barrett Valerie. Healthy Meals for Babies & Toddlers.  Bath, England: Love Food, 2007.  50.
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