January 24, 2011

Zucchini fries

When I saw these on Our Best Bites, I thought it would be the perfect use for the two zucchinis that were laying in my fridge.  They are time-consuming to make, and since I made my own bread crumbs, they clumped up considerably.  I honestly thought they would be a disaster, but they turned out delicious!  The recipe is very forgiving, so I might decide it do it differently next time, or even buy panko bread crumbs. They are a great alternative to baked french fries.

The linked site, above, shows the step by step process of making them.  I used two zucchinis, cutting them lengthwise.  Beat two eggs in a bowl, and in another bowl, about two cups bread crumbs, mixed with this garlic bread seasoning because I didn't have the suggested Italian panko bread crumbs.  I patted flour on the zucchini sticks, coated them in the beaten eggs, then rolled them around in the bread crumbs.  The process was pretty darn messy, the way I did it!

Also makes a tasty toddler treat!

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