March 5, 2011

Biscuit Chicken Pot Pie

I've been wanting to make this for a week now.  Finally, last night it was on the dinner menu. With leftover rotisserie chicken, it was a breeze to make.  This recipe is a cross between two, but the result was just what I expected~ yummy comfort food, indeed.

4-5 small-medium red potatoes, chopped
1 cup chopped carrots (approx)
1 cup frozen peas (approx)
4 cups cooked and cubed chicken (approx)
1 can cream of chicken chicken soup
1/2 cup milk
Biscuit recipe

Wash and dice potatoes and carrots.  Boil them in a medium saucepan.  Once tender, drain and pour into a 9x13 baking dish.  Either mix the soup and milk in the baking dish beforehand or on top of the vegetables.  Add frozen peas and chicken.  Stir gently incorporating the sauce with the vegetable-chicken mixture.  Spoon on biscuit topping.  Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes, until biscuits are baked and golden brown.

"Stir n' Drop Biscuits" (from Set for Life*)
2 cups unbleached white flour [I used 1 cup wheat pastry and 1 cup all-purpose]
1 T baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 T oil
1 egg, beaten
1 cup 1% or skim milk

Mix flours, baking powder and salt together.  Beat egg in a separate bowl, adding oil and milk.  Combine together just until set.

Can't wait to dig in!

* Inspired by this book: Merrill, Jane P. and Karen M. Sunderland.  Set for Life.  Salt Lake City, UT: Sunrise, 1995. pg 94; and a recipe given to us from Jill Musselman.

1 comment:

  1. becky this looks good. i saw an idea somewhere that the lady seperated servings into these really cute miniature caserole dishes (i've been on the lookout for) to bake. this recipe would be good for that i think! thanks for sharing!


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