March 3, 2011

BOMB (Burst of Mega Blueberry) Muffins

The batter makes 15, which is a big amount compared to my usual recipes.  I love how moist these are and really highlight the blueberry taste.  I combined three recipes in my favorite low fat cookbook Set for Life, to make these scrumptious muffins, just what the birthday boy ordered!

1 cup whole wheat- or pastry wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 T baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup honey or sugar
1 egg
1 cup skim milk
1/4 cup oil
1 cup blueberries

Combine flours, baking powder and salt.  In another bowl, whisk honey, egg, skim milk and oil.  Pour wet ingredients into the dry mixture. Stir until just combined. Fold in blueberries.  Spoon into nonstick muffin tin or paper lined tin and bake at 400 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes.  Yield: 15

Merrill, Jane P. and Karen M. Sunderland.  Set for Life.  Salt Lake City, UT: Sunrise, 1995. 89-90.

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