March 5, 2012

T's Homemade Hot Chocolate

Thomas has been perfecting his perfect cup of hot cocoa all winter long.  He's been happy with this recipe, so I decided to write it down so we'll remember it for next year.  It has a smooth, chocolaty taste. 

3 T sugar
1 T dark cocoa
3 T cocoa
dash salt
1/3-1/2 cup hot water
3 cups milk

Stir sugar, dark cocoa, cocoa, salt and water constantly in a saucepan over medium high heat (5).  Make sure all the cocoa balls dissolve.  When it begins to boil, turn down the heat to medium low (3).  Continue to stir for two minutes.  Add three cups of milk, constantly stirring until heated (but don't boil!) to your desire.

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