April 24, 2011

Easter Brownies

For two days I over thought what dessert to make for Easter.  I was thinking something with strawberries.  There were too many choices to choose from, so I started from a blank slate for another idea.  I imagined brownies with cream cheese frosting and crushed Robin Eggs on top.  The result wasn't what I imagined (pretty sweet and the brownies a little chewy) but they were a hit and pretty festive, too.

A shortcut was made by using a brownie mix.  I made cream cheese frosting* with
1 package low-fat cream cheese
2 T butter
1 tsp vanilla (I used 1/2 tsp)
3 cups powder sugar
{Stir until desired consistency}
and, of course, topped the frosting with crushed Robin Egg candy.


cream cheese frosting

Robin Egg candy

Easter Brownies
*from Merrill, Jane P. and Karen M. Sunderland.  Set for Life.  Salt Lake City, UT: Sunrise, 1995, pg 251.

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