November 2, 2010

Tomato Brain Soup

Again, in the Halloween spirit, I made Tomato Brain Soup for the family.  It was fairly simple and brought lots of taste to the simple tomato soup can.  I doubled the recipe, for 7 people, and there was a lot of leftovers.
Served on Halloween night

What you need:
2 cans tomato soup
3 cups of water
2-3 stalks green onion
1 package roman noodles
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp Italian seasoning
1 cup mozzarella cheese

Heat tomato soup with water until boiling.  Turn down the heat and add green onions, roman noodles, garlic powder and Italian seasoning.  Cook for 6-8 minutes until noodles are done.  Top bowls of soup with mozzarella cheese.  {If desired, broil the soup bowls briefly so the cheese turns brown.}

*Adapted from Pizza Brain Soup by George Duran
{edit: 9/24/11}

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