June 5, 2010

Erdbeer Torte (Strawberry Cake) part 1

My favorite German cake to make with Thomas' help!  This batter recipe is so easy, but the strawberry topping part is another story (but that's part 2, so we'll deal with that part later).  This recipe comes from the book Aunt Cate gave me Authentic German Home Style Recipes by Gini Youngkrantz (4th ed, 1994).

 Grease and flour a 12 inch tart pan
Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees

Beat 3 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar and 1tsp vanilla for 10 minutes.  Yes, I used a HUGE bowl but the smaller ones were not available...

Look how thick yet light and airy the batter is!  This picture doesn't give it justice with the bad lighting.  I mixed it with a hand mixer.  I haven't tried it with my stand mixer yet.
Mix 1/3 cup flour, 1/3 cup cornstarch, and 1/2 tsp baking powder
Combine the flour mixture with the egg mixture. 

Fold together until combined thoroughly

Bake for 20 minutes (350 degrees F)

Now, that was the easy part!  Tomorrow I'll attempt to explain the second part, adding the fruit topping.

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