January 2, 2012

New Year's Lunch

We had a big lunch on New Year's Day with my sister.  She made the cranberry sauce, Thomas made the Spätzle, and I made the meatballs.  While we were eating, I mentioned that is could become a family tradition!
{Spätzle- German egg noodles}

Spätzle recipe
500 g Mehl {5 cups all-purpose flour}
1 Prise Salz {pinch of salt}
8 Eier {8 eggs}

Shift the flour into a large bowl, add eggs and salt one after the other with a dough attachment on a hand mixer or stand mixer.  After it's kneaded, it will be tough and won't run off a spoon.  Fill the Spätzle-press, place over a large boiling pot of water and move it back and forth so the dough falls into the water.  The Spätzle is done when it floats.  Use a large slotted spoon (Schaumlöffel) to scoop up the Spätzle and place in another bowl.  Repeat the process with the next portion of dough. 
{Source: Chefkoch.de}
(Swedish) Meatballs

Gute Appetit!

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