February 23, 2012

Cheeseburger Mac & Cheese

This was a huge hit!  It's a great recipe that everyone in the family enjoys and uses no butter (which Mom loves.)  The directions were confusing when I first read the recipe, but it still turned out yummy.  Of course, I used ground turkey instead of beef. :)

1 lb (95% lean) ground beef {or 93% lean ground turkey:: I used a little more than a half-pound}
1-1/2 cups water
8 oz [1 cup] whole wheat macaroni pasta
5 oz [2/3 cup] 2% milk (divided)
3 tsp flour {oops, I accidentally used 3 T, I guess it's a forgiving recipe!!}
2/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese (shredded)
1/4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp dry mustard
dash cayenne pepper {I used chili pepper because I don't have cayenne}
1/4 cup low sodium ketchup

Brown the ground turkey/beef in a skillet.  Grind in black pepper and chili powder.  In a saucepan boil the water and add the pasta to the boiling water.  Cook for eight minutes or until cooking water is absorbed into the pasta.  Add the pasta to the skillet of cooked meat.  In a bowl mix flour with 2 T milk.  Pour the rest of the milk into the saucepan.  Warm the milk, stirring frequently, then add the flour mixture.  When thickened, add cheese.  Stir until the cheese mixture is smooth then add the dry mustard and paprika.  Combine the cheese sauce with the pasta and meat.  Stir in the ketchup. 

Recipe from: Dr. Gourmet Blog. "Quickie Cheeseburger Mac".  Feb. 23, 2012.

February 17, 2012

Chicken Couscous Soup

All week long I wanted black beans and couscous.  I got some ideas on Allrecipes.com and finally adapted the dish, from my mind, for dinner.  I was worried that the couscous wouldn't absorb all the juices, but it did!  It wasn't too bad, and topped with Parmesan cheese, Thomas actually requested it again!

1 cup chicken broth
1 tsp butter
1 cup couscous
cooked (rotisserie) chicken pieces
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can corn (drained)
1 can black beans (rinsed)
reserved chicken broth
for flavor:
salt, pepper
onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder
taco seasoning
Parmesan cheese

I started with putting leftover chicken in a skillet.  To that I added the cans of diced tomatoes, corn, and black beans.  In a saucepan pour one cup of chicken broth and heat to boil.  Add the rest of the chicken broth into the skillet mixture.  While that is cooking, add any seasonings. When the boiling water begins, add 1 tsp butter and add 1 cup couscous, cover and set aside for 5 minutes.  When the couscous is set, fluff with a fork and mix into the skillet.  Lower the heat and wait until the couscous absorbs the mixture (this even happens off the stove.)  Spoon into bowls and top with extra Parmesan cheese.

A soup in a skillet?  It thickened quickly after taking the picture!
Inspired by allrecipes.com

February 13, 2012

Valentine Pretzels

These little snacks are all over the place, Pinterest, blogs and cooking web sites.  I made some to bring up to Grandma's birthday celebration.  I learned a few things as I tried to make them.  It does take at least two minutes on 275 degrees for the chocolate to get soft.  Caramel Kisses seeped caramel underneath the pretzels and the Almond Kisses didn't work-- the M&M couldn't be neatly smashed down, the almond was in the way.
Unwrap Kisses and place on top of round or square pretzels.  Place in a heated 275 degree oven for 2 to 2-1/2 minutes until the chocolate is softened and looks glossy.  Place a M&M on top, chill in the fridge for about 10 minutes.  When I stored them in a container, I separated the layers with wax paper because of the caramel.  They got a lot of compliments!

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