October 19, 2011

"Flower" Biscuits

I made soup last night, but instead of throwing pasta in there, I decided to make biscuits.  Whenever I make biscuits, I ask myself why I like making them so much.  They're messy and the biscuits are saturated in flour.  I used little flower cookie cutters to cut them out, and in the end they turned out pretty well.  We all ate four of them with our soup.  Julia was eating them by the hand full.

The recipe is so easy, and doesn't have any butter in it.

1 cup whole wheat flour {I use wheat pastry}
1 cup unbleached white flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 T. baking powder
2-4 T. oil
1 cup 1% or skim milk

Mix dry ingredients (you may also use 2 cups white flour), add liquids and stir just until blended.  Knead dough on floured counter top for 30 seconds.  Press or roll dough to 1/2-inch thick. Cut into 2-inch circles or squares.  Place on a nonstick baking sheet, bake at 425 degrees for 12-14 minutes.

Recipe source: Merrill Jane P. and Karen M. Sunderland.  "Baking Powder Biscuits." Set for Life.  Salt Lake City, UT: Sunset Publishers, 1995. 94.

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