September 30, 2011

Skillet Squash Dish

I've made this dish twice in the past two weeks.  I cooked three red potatoes in the microwave.  Meanwhile I sliced yellow squash and began to sautee them in (as little as possible) olive oil.  I sprinkled "Pasta- und Pommessalz", which main ingredient after salt is garlic, on top of them.  When they're cooked (translucent), transfer to paper-towel lined plate.  Dice cooked potatoes and sautee in (as little as possible) oiled skillet. The first time I just seasoned them with black pepper and the second time I seasoned them with smoked paprika.  Thomas seemed to like the latter better.  Add ham, low-fat weiners, sausage with the potatoes.  Combine the squash with the meat and potatoes.  Sprinkle parsley over the dish before serving.  Easy peasy.

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